As I continue down this plaster road, I started making a mental list realizing that I should probably write'em down lest ... a) I forget as I move beyond the neophyte stage and ... b) should anyone else attempt the path, it might make their life a bit easier.
Notes To Self On Plaster
- Plaster dust gets. EVERYWHERE. A mat at the studio door will at least stop its migration down the stairs and across the kitchen floor.
- Don't bother attempting finished projects while still learning the ropes. Be satisfied that with each new creation you will learn new things.
- You CAN thin almost thickened plaster. But there IS a time limit. After that? Gritty Ick!
- Dry is really really REALLY dry. Paint really doesn't stick to really really dry. (yah. that was a lot of reallys!)
- You can get a really nice slick smooth finish by pouring plaster into the bottom of a bowl and sloshing around, pouring out the remainder.
- Soaking that reallyx3 piece in water helps new plaster stick better. (Stephanie did mention this. I'm including as a +1)
- Don't even attempt painting until all the plaster is put away.
- Multiple thin coats is sometimes better than trying to rush an entire piece.
- Adding white glue to the plaster/water mixture works as a more pliable, less brittle application. Drying time is a bit more. Natch.
- Facial wipes make short work of any dried plaster AND it moisturizes hands. Win-win.