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10 Teeny Things

This is the third in my "Things" swaps and was prompted by a friend seeing the 20Things Zine (pictured below) and wanting IN!

Assembly of 20Things Zine
20Things Zine (fin)
While I'm generally always up for a swap, the idea of gathering 20 artists (read: herding cats ... in the most LOVING way!) was daunting so decided that maybe Ten Things was in the realm of possiblity. And ten TEENY things might be a really cool challenge. Not to mention less postage for everyone. You would THINK at least! (apparently CanadaPost has a minimum size and charges MORE for it. Go. Fucking. Figure!)

Received and distributed (and received) here are the amazing contributions for 10 Teeny Things (2014)!

Windi Rosson -
Amy McDonald
Bobbi Studstill -
Corinne Stubson -
For Catherine Withrow
Judah Noah - JudahNoahArt
Lani Gerity -
Lauren Blair
Tricia Anders
Assembly of 10 Teeny Things

10 Teeny Things (fin)

Each and every "thing" was a sweet mini treat. The artists involved always step up but this one was such a challenge - elements had to fit within a small matchbox - I was so thrilled with the level of ingenuity and creativity that each person brought to the table. I love you all to bits!! xo