ever have one of those, "Oh No!" moments where you think you've archived something ... a memory, an event, a project... only to find that you haven't?!? (or maybe you *did* but it was on your last computer - website etc) well I had one of those this morning.
I was doing my facebook run and in response to a friend's posting was going to upload a photo. only I didn't have one. ack! so what's any good cyber-saavy girl to do in such a circumstance? head directly to the WayBackMachine of course. and in this case even THAT didn't help.
Thankfully one of my Dark Arts girls had already archived the project. *phew*
And you know I downloaded these suckers in a heartbeat!
Without further ado ... here for your viewing pleasure ... Odd Scraps of Magical Power featuring Doc Hudson's Secret Journal!