Hover Setting
is it real? or is it memorex?
Remember that commercial?
Those are the words that came to mind while pondering Veronica's "Art vs Craft" post today. A bit of back story ... I cyber-met Veronica during my transformational web course, You On Purpose, last February and have been following her art and words ever since ... so it was with a bit of trepidation that I clicked on the link to see what she might have to say about this oh! so! tender subject. [and if you don't believe me google "art vs craft" and choke on the 74,000,000+ results]
Because you see, if you happen to be involved in the Art World in any way, shape or form, eventually you WILL be asked if what you do is art or craft. And coming from the mixed media background ...and let's not even talk about assemblage... your materials are very close to what so-called crafters or makers use. And not only will you be questioned on Art vs Craft, you will be grilled on where you stand ... can craft be art? What's the difference between art and craft? Is there a difference between art and craft? Until you simply want to strangle someone. And preferably, the person doing the asking.
You would think, given my fairly opinionated nature, that I would have a well-developed answer for any or all of those questions. But you'd be wrong. I used to think the differentiater was based on usage ... if you used the object? Craft! Purely decorative? Art! Ahhhh! Life was so easy back then. Until someone pointed out that if that "craft" goblet was put on a pedestal and simply viewed was it still craft? Or had it become art?! ARGH!! Back to the drawing board. But not before clocking said person in the head with that crafty art cup!
I contemplated the idea that repetitive creation might result in craft not art. Then again, I see many artists reproducing similar themes over and over and their product remains firmly in the art not craft sector. And certainly I'd be hard pressed to call giclee prints "art" even though I'd piss off many artists by even hinting at the idea that these reproductions might come closer to craft than art. Hooboy. Did I just say that out loud?!?
I know there is a commonly held belief that "All art is craft but not all craft is art" relying on intent rather than final product to make the distinction. But one can just as easily make a cup with loaded intention as one can paint a canvas for no more reason than to make a pretty picture. And frankly? I'm not sure there is anything to gain by trying to separate the two. To what end? [Insert giant wail, "Why can't we all just get alonggggggggg?!?!?" here!] All we do by trying to lessen one vs the other ... and let's face it craft usually gets the short end of the stick here ... is put up road blocks to the very act of creating. And really, isn't that what it's all about anyway? To honour someone or something. To work out a problem or deal with a situation or emotion by making something tangible and concrete?
So. Stop worrying about whether what you do is Art or Craft.
And get busy making your popsicle stick masterpiece.
Because the pundits are gonna be arguing whether it's Art or it's Craft until the cows come home.
And WE have stuff to create!