Wily Mr. Fox, an assemblage approximately 23"h whose elements include ... cast iron lamp base, vintage spindle, horse brass (found in our barn during the wedding reno from a dress harness maybe? see Top Detail below), wood blocks,
Mr. Fox book pages (and if I'd known I could get $115. for it, I might not have pulled it apart. ha! not likely!), clock gear, lampshade base plus some beads'n'bells, wire and an image transfer of wily Mr. Fox himself.
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Y'know, I think this is the first time I've ever created an assemblage from start to finish without working on another project. Even when I've had similar time deadlines [this will be part of the Bear River Winter Carnival's
Fables & Fairytales Art Show from Feb 14-17], I've usually worked on multiple projects concurrently. It was interesting. A lot of downtime in between flurries of activity.
It might not be completely obvious, but the round "shade" is coated in wax as is the "lamp base". Initially I treated it with paint but once I'd added wax overtop of Mr. Fox, everything else was begging for a coating. As a result the whole thing looks quite old and rustic.
The blocks were items I'd made for etsy yonks ago that never sold. I repurposed them here, adding images to both sides and then coating with black wax on the sides and a layer of wax on the images. When you turn Mr. Fox (who happens to be asking, "What does the fox say?") the bells tinkle and the blocks bob nicely on their wire holders.